I've Been A Bad, Bad Girl
I haven't posted on the blog since the end of December last year. If you were following the blog, you probably wondered what happened. Well, you see, after New Year's Day, we were busy trying to finalize our boat projects so we could get in the water. Throughout that time, I videotaped some of the work. As I taped, I started playing with my video editing software. My main goal was to piece together something so I could tell the story about our projects. But I had the hardest time trying to figure out the voice over area. I still don't have it figured out yet. It really frustrated me, so the blogging was put on the back burner. And then, life happened. We got in the water and set sail out of the boatyard. But, I'm back and I will try to get you caught up to what we are doing currently. In the meantime, I'm going to go ahead and show you the video that I was frustrated with. It is in very raw form, so please forgive me. Over time, I hope I can figure it all out. But ...