Leilani, our 9.5 year old Shih Tzu, is so laid back. We moved onto our liveaboard boat, in a boat yard, a little over 6 weeks ago and she is adjusting quite well.
Ever since we sold our house on September 18, she has been traipsing around with us all over the place. We first stayed with friends for about 5 days in the DFW area, waiting out hurricanes to pass outside of Florida. They have a dog too, and the dogs got along just great. The only problem we had was Leilani wouldn't use the doggie door. I think it hurt her little nose, and was too close to her eyes. Yes, we call her Princess Leilani because of her stubborn streak. She will only come up to you when SHE wants to, not when you call her over to you. But for the most part, she's a real gem.
When we were boat hunting in Florida, she would stay at the condo by herself, and then we would take her out with us to a local outside bar. This was her first experience, going to a place like this. She was the hit of the bar. People would pass by, and stop and pet & talk to her. She's a great conversation starter, because she is so cute. One time, when we went to the west coast of Florida to boat hunt, we had to stay in a hotel. We left Leilani there one night to go eat. She started barking and the hotel called us. We had to go back immediately. Come to find out, she was barking because she needed to go outside.
Once we found our boat & new home, she was use to being with us most of the day. Before, when Tom & I were working full-time, she was home alone for 10 hours a day. Now, she is with us 24/7. Our 3rd day on the boat, in the boatyard, Tom & I went to run a few errands and watch football at a sports bar. We left Leilani on the boat. We had bought a portable air conditioner that vents out the door and left it on for her since it was hot outside (FL in October). When we got back, she had bust out the plastic insert that fits in the cracked open door for the ventilation. Luckily, she didn't fall off the boat because it was through the side door that has a narrow passageway. And she wouldn't go through the doogie door! Sheesh! And unfortunately, our boatyard neighbor said she barked the whole time we were gone. So for awhile we were taking her wherever we went.
But all in all, she's getting use to the boat. Since we're in the boatyard, we have to crawl up a 12 foot ladder just to get on the boat. So Tom has to carry her up and down the ladder to go do her business.
She likes to watch over the yard and any projects that you're doing. But most of all, she likes being with her peeps. I'm excited to see how she'll do on the boat, once we're in the water. Especially when we see dolphins or manatees.
No one's boarding on my watch. |
At least they make these cleat openings big enough for me to see out. |
Good job, Dad! Let me know if you need a tool. |
Where we going now? Walmart or Home Depot? |
I'm tired. Dad, hold me! |
Do I look like a statue here? |
Aww, dream land! |
Shh, I'm sleeping! |
Groomed for Christmas. |
Next blog post will be about our projects in the boatyard. Until then, enjoy your Christmas holidays and your family! I'm missing mine now.
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